Features and Configuration
With a click on the button "Get temporary e-mail" the user generates a new e-mail address. The part in front of the @ sign is randomly created by the script. The button "Set temporary e-mail" lets the user create a self chosen e-mail address. That address will be stored in the database along with its creation time. The e-mail address is assigned to the user by a session cookie.
The user may then use the e-mail for any purpose where an e-mail address is required. Most commonly that will be some kind of registration.
Once created, the user can subscribe to the RSS feed for that e-mail address. New arriving mails will be shown in the feed.
E-mail address can be deleted by clicking "Ditch E-mail Address".
Automatic E-mail Check
The script checks continuously for arriving e-mails. Once an e-mail that has been sent to an active e-mail address arrives, the script displays it.
Admin Area
The admin area homepage shows a few statistic figures. There is a distinction between e-mail and e-mail address. E-mail is the message that one can send or receive. E-mail address is the address one can e-mails send to.
Created Addresses |
Number of times visitors have clicked the button "Get temporary e-mail" or "Set e-mail address" and created an e-mail address. |
E-mails Received |
Number of e-mail messages that have been received by the script. |
E-mails Valid |
Valid e-mails are e-mail messages that have arrived within the time frame of active e-mail addresses. While downloading the e-mail messages from the mail account, the script checks if the recipient address (e.g. ekktuic@tempmaildemo.com) is in the database. If it is, the e-mail message is valid and will be displayed to the user. |
E-mails Expired |
All e-mail messages that are not valid because the time has run out and the e-mail address has been deleted. E-mails expired does not mean the expired e-mail addresses. I.g. "E-mails expired" actually means "E-mail messages that have been received after the e-mail address has expired". |
E-mails Sent |
Number of e-mail messages that have been sent using the reply feature. |
Admin Account
This section allows you to change login name, e-mail, and login password.
General Settings
Language for Admin Area and Front End
You can set the default language for both areas of the script. That setting will be overwritten, if the user's browser language settings are different or the user selects a language manually. The changed language setting will be stored in a cookie.
Display language selection
Set this option to "No" if you want to hide the language menu.
Use UTF-8 language files
The folder /language/ contains the subfolder /utf-8/ which contains files with UTF-8 encoded text. If you set this option to "Yes", the script will use the language files from the subfolder.
If you want to use a non-latin language with the script, UTF-8 is your choice.
Tool Shut Down
You can shut the whole tool down, e.g. for maintenance. During the shut down the front end functions will not be available for the users, but the administrator can login to the admin area.
Display turn off message
If set to "Yes" you can let the users know that the tool has been shut down. Otherwise they see just a blank screen.
Mail Settings
E-mail Lifetime
By default the e-mail address lifetime is set to 15 minutes. You can of course change the lifetime and even can set it to weeks, months and years.
Set E-mail Address
Instead of a completely automatically generated e-mail address, your visitors can choose the first part of the e-mail address as they like.
Delete E-mail Address
You can allow a user to delete the created e-mail address.
Simultaneously use the same e-mail address
By default the same e-mail address can be used by multiple users. If you turn this off,
the user can't create an e-mail address if it is already in use. Instead he has to
choose a different one.
Address in use warning
If you allow the same e-mail address to be used by multiple users, you can show a
warning message if a user is about to create an e-mail address that is already in use.
Activate E-mail RSS/Atom Feed
Visitors can subscribe to an RSS/Atom feed of their e-mail address. This way they will receive all new e-mails in their feed reader.
E-mail Account
In order for the script to receive e-mails, an e-mail account (mailbox) must be available. It is important that the e-mail account is configured as catch-all. Each web host handles the catch-all feature differently. Please contact your web host about that, if you do not know whether your web space package supports catch-all or how it can be turned on.
If your web space manager is called "cPanel X" you need to create a mail account first and then go to Mail >> Default Address. If there is nothing set yet, click on the link "Set Default Address" and enter the name of the e-mail account you want to use with the script.
Use SSL to connect to mailbox
If your Mailbox requires or supports SSL connections, you can set this option to Yes.
Non-Validation Command
Some mail accounts try to validate a certificate and may end the connection with an error message. In that case you should set the option to "Yes".
Mail Download Key
The key is kind of a password to make sure that no third party knows the exact URL that is called to check for incoming e-mails. If the key in the URL does not match the key in the settings, the script will not process the mail download.
Automatic e-mail check
The e-mail check requires a certain URL of the script to be called continuously.
You can find this URL in the admin area -> Configuration -> General Settings -> Miscellaneous (bottom of the page) -> Mail download URL.
If your web space package contains crontab, you can create a cron job that calls the mail download URL.
If that is not the case you can use the cron job that the script provides. You can find it in the admin area -> Configuration -> Cron Job. Put the URL where it says URL and set the time between each URL call. We have found that 60 seconds is a good figure.