Layout Customization
The folder "templates" contains the files for the layout. You can use HTML and CSS to customize the layout as you wish.
In case you are using a WYSIWYG editor like Dreamweaver, Frontpage or NetObjects please make sure that the software does not make any changes by itself.
The template files contain markers with { and } like: {txt_script_name}. These markers will be replaced by its counterparts from the language file "languages/". You are free to edit that file and change the words and phrases. You are also free to replace the markers within the template files by real words or put those markers to other positions within the template file. And you are also able to enhance the language file by using the given pattern.
Amongst those word markers exist the so called Loops. Similar to HTML tags the two parts (<LOOP ...>...</LOOP>) must not be separated. If you want to alter the position within the template you move the hole block.
The template "voting_image_options.tpl.html" has been created to display images as options. It contains image tags with the placeholder {label} as file name and path within the LOOP block.