The file "index.php" can be viewed as the configuration file of the script. It is possible to duplicate the file and set it up in a different manner. That enables you to run several scripts with the same script core. Because of that you need to install and purchase the script only once.
Besides the "index.php" the additional file "voting_image_options.php" has been set up. The poll's options are image paths instead of text. The visitors can choose between images instead of text options. Although, a unique name ($intern_vote_name) and "radio_image" as field type ($form_field_type) has been defined.
The following variables can be edited:
You can define an own title for each voting. The title will be displayed within the <title> tag and as headline of the page. Example:
$vote_title = 'Favorite Color';
Like the voting title you can define a text that appears on the page (i.e. a question or a description). Example:
$vote_text = 'What is your favorite color?';
In this variable you can enter the vote options, which are selectable by the visitors. Each vote option gets an own variable. Example:
$vote_option[] = 'Red';
$vote_option[] =
$vote_option[] = 'Blue';
Instead of text you can display images as options. For example:
$vote_option[] = './templates/smilies/1.gif';
$vote_option[] = './templates/smilies/2.gif';
= './templates/smilies/3.gif';
Beside the paths you need to define "radio_image" as field type ($form_field_type).
Enter here the intern vote name that will be used by the script. Please avoid white spaces and special characters. The intern name must be defined because the script uses a single log file for all votes. To separate all votes and results, the intern vote name has to be unique. Example:
$intern_vote_name = 'favorite_color';
It is possible to display two different types of option menus. To get a list of radio buttons enter "radio". Example:
$form_field_type = 'radio';
Instead of text next to the radio buttons you can display images. Set "radio_image" as field type.
$form_field_type = 'radio_image';
In order to get a select menu (drop down/pull down menu) enter "select". Example:
$form_field_type = 'select';
The results are displayed as graphical bars. This variable contains the name of the image that you want to use. All available bar images can be found in the folder "templates/images_voting". Example:
$bar_image_name = 'black.gif';
You are free to create your own bar images and place them into the above mentioned folder.
The value of this variable will be used as maximum length of a bar (in pixels).
With this option you can define, whether the visitors are allowed to vote once or as much as they want. If you set this variable to "yes" the script reads the visitors IP address and checks the log file for that IP. In case it matches the visitor will be unable to vote.
With this option you can define, whether the visitors are allowed to vote once or as much as they want. If you set this variable to "yes" the script sets a cookie after the user has voted. The script checks the cookie and prevents the visitor from voting.
You can set here the language. Enter the abbreviation that also is used in the name of the language file in the directory "languages" (en in and de in
This variable contains the path to the HTML template folder.
Enter here the path to folder that contains the log files. Please make sure that the folder is writable (chmod 777).
This variable contains the file name of the HTML templates which contain the layout.
This variables contain the name of the log file. Please make sure the file is writable (chmod 777).
The default value of this variable is "yes" so during the configuration process you will get error messages and hints that help you to install the script. Once the script configuration has been finished you can set these system messages off because it is not necessary to give extern visitors a view into the system.
You can add further values, text, variables or other content to this variable. That content can be displayed in the HTML templates by using markers/placeholders within curly brackets { and }.
If you want to add your own values to the variable $add_text please follow the pattern from the example entries.
$add_text = array(
'txt_additional' =>
'txt_more' => 'More'
The first part of each entry is the name of the placeholder. In case you want to use the value of txt_addition in your template enter the name of the entry with curly brackets - {txt_addition}. The name must not contain white spaces or special characters. Only allowed is the _ .