Features and Configuration
Admin Area
Article Editor
The editor comes in WYSIWYG mode. That means you can see the formatting while you are creating the article. The script provides a button bar that features most of the elements you might know from your word processor. A complete documentation of the features can be opened by clicking on the (?) button in the WYSIWYG editor.
The WYSIWYG editor also lets you upload media files (images, text, video) and add those to your article.
The editor lets you choose an article date which is published along with the article. You can also set a publish date. That allows you to delay the release of an article. It will then be published automatically on the selected date.
A creation date is written automatically. It allows you to keep track on when the article has "really" been written.
Article List
By default the article list is ordered by creation date. But you can order the list by every other column of the list.
- Search in article title and article body
- Sort the list by ID, article title, creation date, article date, release date, hits
- Set the number of articles per page
- Browse through the article list
Admin Account
This section allows you to change login name, e-mail, and login password.
Configuration -> General Settings
The settings section allows you to change the front end language and set the number of articles per page. You are also able to turn off the WYSIWYG editor.
You can also set the look of your article URLs. There are three modes available:
URL Parameter
(http://www.example.com/news/?url=Article-Title-42.html)Query String (http://www.example.com/news/?Article-Title-42.html)
.htaccess Mod Rewrite
(http://www.example.com/ news/Article-Title-42.html)
Query String is the default setting. Mod Rewrite requires the script to be running on an Apache server.