Working with the Script
After the installation is finished, you should be able to login to the system using the default login name "admin" and the password "admin". We strongly recommend that you change both login name and password after your first login into the admin area.
Once you are logged in you will probably see a few groups with links in it. Those links and groups have been created for demonstration purposes and you are - of course - free to delete them.
On the right hand side of the admin area you will find the forms for creating and editing groups and links. Once you have created a group you can assign a link to it. It is also possible to create a new group and a new link simultaneously.
For each group you can define a name, the background color of the group headline and a position within the existing groups.
There are similar settings for the links, but you are only required to enter a URL. You can also define a name, a link color, and the position.
By default the groups are displayed in three columns. That can be changed within the admin area. The program tries always to display the columns in equal length. Therefore you may find several groups with few links in one column and one group with many links in another row. And the more groups and links the better the algorithm works.
Behind every group name and behind every link you will find four small icons. Click on the green check mark for editing a group or link. Click on the red X for deleting a group or a link. Please note: If you delete a group, the program will also delete all links within that group. With the two blue arrows you can move groups and links up or down.
At the bottom of the admin area you are able to make some settings. You can define here the number of columns in which the groups are displayed. You can select between different layout templates, you can select the language, you can define how groups and links are sorted and you can define whether you want the script to count all link views (view tracker).
For the frontend -- that is when you are not logged into the admin area -- we recommend either using the "Default" template or the "Hidden" template. The "Default" template displays all groups and links and also the menu and the login box. The "Hidden" template will hide the groups and links and displays only the login box. That is for everyone who does not want to publish the link collection.
For the admin area we actually recommend only the "Admin" template, which is also the default backend setting. The "Admin II" template has been created for demonstration purposes. You will find some layout differences.
In case you want to move the script to another server or just want to backup your database, the script provides an export and import function. You will find the links to trigger an export or import at the bottom of the script within the settings section.