Form Mail
Installation and configuration guide for GentleSource Form Mail.
Assuming that you already have unpacked the script files please follow these step-by-step instructions.
Include the Script
You can run the script as stand-alone and customize the layout using the HTML template. If that is the case, you can skip this chapter.
In the script root folder (the folder that contains all the other folders like /docu/, /inc/, /languages/, /templates/ etc.) you can find the file index.php. That file is basically the configuration file. You can open the index.php file in a text editor.
The script allows you to send an arbitrary number of attachments. In order to be attached to an e-mail, a file would have to be uploaded by the form user beforehand.
The Captcha feature displays an image with a string of characters. In order to prove that the visitor is not an automatic spam program, he has to enter the characters shown in the image into a form field. In case both strings match the comment will be accepted.
Send E-mails with SMTP
If you don't know whether you should use SMTP, skip this chapter. Using SMTP is only necessary, if the internal PHP function mail() cannot be used (e.g. on a Windows server).
Layout Customization
The folder /templates/ contains the files that determine the layout of your page. You can use HTML and CSS to customize the layout as you wish.
Form Fields
For each form field the script will automatically create a placeholder with the same name as the form field. That comes in handy If an error occurs (i.e. the user forgot to fill in a required field) and the form appears again, the script can pre-populate the form fields so the user doesn't have to fill in all fields again.
Advanced Error Messages
The script allows you to display error messages right beside, above or below a form field. Moreover, the script allows you to alter the appearance of the form field label.
Language files
The template files contain markers with { and } like: {txt_preview}. These markers will be replaced by its counterparts from the language file /languages/